How can we help you?

The components are built for everyone. We want government and private sector to embrace the components. It aims to solve common usability and accessibility problems in a simple and robust way.

You can consider using the mega menu component for level 3 navigation. An example can be found here.

Rachana are built to ensure minimum conflicts and any reduction of performance when stack with other frameworks.

To further minimise the conflict, these are some important points you need to take note when using both Rachana and other css framework:
  1. Always include the cgds.css after other css framework in the head tag. This is to ensure the Rachana stylesheet takes priority over bootstrap for the mandatory components styles (masthead, main navigation, side navigation & footer).
  2. As much as possible, try to keep the same html structure to the mandatory components as they may be updated if there is amendment to the DSS.
  3. We leverage on Bootstrap's v5 grid system and is built into the Rachana framework.
You can also read up on the documentation on how to use SASS import here:

This method can also be used to remove unused components and can reduce the file size and loading time for both CSS.


Previous version 1.0.3